Saturday, 28 July 2012

Download Whale Trail apk for android phones

I never thought a game with only one "button" could be this much fun! Since I downloaded this last month I've been playing pretty much every day, there's something about the music and the trippy visuals that make it impossible to put down. Haven't been this addicted to a phone game since Angry Birds. Beautiful trippy graphics, challenging (but not impossible) gameplay. Runs perfectly on Droid Razr Maxx. My only suggestion would be to add some more songs... the main theme song is good but gets really old after the zillionth time.

Download Whale Trail apk

very important : If this is the application you were looking for and the Download link still work, then Please click on the +1 button

===========> if you click on the +1 button and new window open then that means that you are not registered in google plus new social network . so please sign up and click on the +1 button that will help us a lot and will help google to improve the search results

thanks a lot for your help . Oh by the way if you don't know how to install Whale Trail.apk

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